martedì 30 settembre 2014

Edoardo Cignoli : FCC Makes Pitch for TV Stations' Spectrum

The Federal Communications Commission is adopting a hard-sell strategy for next year's spectrum incentive auction in an effort to entice reluctant broadcasters to participate.

via US Business

Investors See Reasons to Jump Into U.S. Markets

A resurgent dollar is remaking the investment landscape as Fed stimulus ends, in a shift many fund managers expect will propel U.S. stocks, and even bonds, to fresh gains.

via Markets

EBay to Spin Off PayPal Business

Coming competition in paying for everyday purchases with smartphones, including an aggressive entry from Apple, pushed online retailer eBay to reverse course and set free its PayPal unit.

via Markets

China's Bahamas Project Hits Hurdles

China's largest overseas commercial real-estate project has been overshadowed by delays and labor clashes, dulling the buzz surrounding the Bahamian venture and threatening to undermine future business.

via Markets

Mexico Announces Homicide Charges in Army Killings

Mexican prosecutors announced homicide charges Tuesday against three soldiers in the June killings of 22 suspected gang members in southern Mexico.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Bosses Show More Flexibility About Relocation

Facing increased demand for critical C-suite players, many employers are trying harder to accommodate executives wary about a distant job.

via US Business

China Eases Mortgage Rules

China's central bank said it would ease rules on mortgage lending to allow more home buyers to qualify for cheaper loans as part of its efforts to boost the housing market.

via World News

BOJ Tankan: Business Sentiment Improves

Japanese business sentiment unexpectedly improved in September even as firms struggle to get out from under the weight of the recent sales tax increase, the Bank of Japan's tankan survey showed Wednesday.

via World News

Australia Retail Sales Miss Expectations

Australian retail sales rose by less than expected in August, damping hopes of a recovery in consumer spending that is needed to support growth as a mining boom fades.

via World News

Hong Kong's Status May Limit Beijing

Hong Kong's position as a global financial hub and crucial testing ground for China's financial liberalization will likely figure into Beijing's calculations as it considers how to react to pro-democracy protests in the city.

via World News

In Hunt for Funds, Somalia Found Trouble

When Somalia's government wanted to rebuild the country's war-shattered economy in 2009, it hired lawyers to recover what it believed was more than $100 million of government funds frozen by foreign countries during two decades of civil conflict.

via World News

This Game Requires Players to Use Their Heads, Only

No hands are allowed in a German game dubbed 'Headis,' in which competitors play a version of table tennis with their heads.

via World News

China September Manufacturing PMI Holds Steady

A key gauge of China's manufacturing held steady in September, official data showed Wednesday, suggesting that economic growth has somewhat stabilized but at a modest level.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : More Cable Companies Take TV Off Menu

Some cable companies, faced with rising costs for programming, are pulling the plug on TV service, focusing instead on Internet service. Others are dropping major groups of channels to manage their costs.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Endo to Settle Vaginal Mesh Legal Claims

Endo International PLC said it reached agreements to settle substantially all of the claims concerning vaginal mesh products sold by its American Medical Systems Holding Inc. unit.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Wipe That Smog Off Your Face

The effects of air pollution on skin are the beauty industry's next frontier.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Vivint IPO Prices at $16 a Share

Vivint Solar Inc.'s initial public offering priced at $16 a share, according to a person familiar with the offering, at the low end of expectations.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Chicago Airport Traffic Rebounding

Flights in and out of Chicago's two main commercial airports Tuesday climbed back to more than 80% of average volume over the past two months, while repairs continued at a damaged air-traffic center.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : U.S. Oil Exports Climb

Conoco has started exporting oil from Alaska, the first such shipment in a decade, as sales of U.S. crude to foreign buyers continue to mount.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : New Balance Shoe Materials Aren't All U.S. Made

New Balance acknowledges that only about 70% of the value of its U.S.-made shoes reflects domestic content and labor.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli :, Disney Back at Peace appears to be close to settling a nearly two-month dispute with Walt Disney during which the e-commerce giant stopped offering Disney DVDs for preorder.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Microsoft Offers First Peek of Windows 10

Microsoft Corp. wants to give back to customers the Windows they loved. The company on Tuesday offered the first public peek at the next version of its flagship operating system.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : A Chinese Fracking Bet Goes Wrong

The Bakken Shale formation has revolutionized North America's energy industry. But an early Chinese private-equity bet into Canada's side of the oil field has little to show for its investment.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Crude-by-Rail Proposals Spur Opposition

Oil companies and railroads have united to fight some proposed federal rules on oil-train safety after a year of pointing fingers at each other over explosive accidents.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : General Mills to Cut 700 to 800 Salaried Jobs

General Mills said it would eliminate 700 to 800 salaried jobs, adding to a similar number of factory job cuts it announced recently as the maker of Wheaties cereal and Yoplait yogurt tries to cut costs amid flagging sales.

via US Business

CDC Confirms First Case of Ebola in U.S.

Federal health officials have confirmed that a patient being treated at a Dallas hospital has tested positive for Ebola.

via World News

Israelis Rethink Life Along Gaza Border

The mortar shell hit the roof of the Tragerman family home in the last days of fighting between Israel and Hamas. Their cars were already packed to flee, but it was too late for their 4-year-old son Daniel who lay on the floor dead.

via World News

Russian State Media Portray Hong Kong Protests as U.S. Plot

Echoing the Kremlin's line on previous protests in Moscow, Kiev, and elsewhere, state television sees U.S. hand in pro-democracy movement.

via World News

Polls Show Brazil's Leader Winning Re-Election

A new electoral poll shows Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff widening her lead over challenger Marina Silva heading into a likely second-round runoff.

via World News

Catalonia Suspends Campaign for Independence Vote

Catalonia's regional government has stopped promoting its independence referendum after Spain's constitutional court barred the region from going ahead with the vote.

via World News

U.S.-Afghan Bilateral Security Agreement Signed

The new Afghan government concluded crucial security pacts with the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, paving the way for roughly 12,000 foreign troops to remain in the country after year's-end and ensuring that aid money keeps flowing to Kabul.

via World News

Turkey Government to Seek Parliamentary Approval to Join Campaign Against Islamic State

Ankara to submit motions to parliament Tuesday seeking authorization to intervene in Iraq and Syria against radical group.

via World News

EU Fruit, Vegetable Sector to Receive New Aid

The European Union released emergency aid worth $209.32 million for fruit and vegetable producers hardest hit by Russian sanctions.

via World News

Global Inflation Eased Again in August

Inflation rates across the world's largest economies eased for the third straight month in August, reflecting disappointing economic growth and indicating that central banks are unlikely to rush to tighten policy.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Encana to Buy Athlon for $5.93 Billion

Encana on Monday said it has agreed to acquire Texas-based Athlon Energy Inc. for $5.93 billion, giving the Canadian company a large land position in the state's oil-rich Permian Basin.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : EBay to Spin Off PayPal Business

EBay disclosed plans Tuesday to separate its PayPal business into a separate publicly traded company next year.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : News Corp to Buy Move Inc.

News Corp agreed to buy online real-estate listings business Move Inc. in an all-cash deal valued at about $950 million, expanding the media company's presence in the U.S. real-estate market.

via US Business

Cameron's Conservatives Lose Another Member to UKIP

The former deputy mayor of London defected to the small anti-Europe party, in a further internal distraction for the British prime minister as he tries to focus debate on a choice between the two main parties.

via World News

Few Signs Before Japan Volcano Eruption

With at least 36 hikers presumed dead, the eruption at Japan's Mount Ontake serves as a grim reminder of the challenges involved in predicting volcanic explosions.

via World News

South Korean Ship Runs Aground

A rescue mission Tuesday that saved all 110 people aboard a stranded South Korean passenger ship provided a test for the country's coast guard as it faces intense criticism of its handling of April's deadly ferry tragedy.

via World News

Ukraine Told to Pay $3.9 Billion to Resume Gas Supplies

Ukraine must pay $3.9 billion if it wants Moscow to resume supplies of natural gas, Russia's Energy Minister Alexander Novak said.

via World News

Hong Kong Protesters Brace for Test

Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong swelled again, but protesters worried about a crackdown ahead of China's National Day holiday the next day.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Eurozone Inflation Hits Five-Year Low

The annual rate of inflation in the eurozone fell further below the European Central Bank's target in September, and to its lowest level since October 2009.

via US Business

Eurozone Inflation Hits Five-Year Low

The annual rate of inflation in the eurozone fell further below the European Central Bank's target in September, and to its lowest level since October 2009.

via World News

U.K. Data Overhaul Shows Stronger Economy

The U.K. economy grew at a faster pace than initially thought in the second quarter, overhauled official data show.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Germany, France Send Mixed Economic Signals

Germany's jobless rate rose in September but latest German and French consumer-spending data signal better economic times ahead.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : EU Believes Apple's Irish Tax Deals Broke Rules

European Union regulators said they believe that tax deals granted to Apple in Ireland constitute illegal state aid as it set out the reasoning behind the decision to open an in-depth investigation in June.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : TeliaSonera Promises Stable Dividend

The Swedish telecom company has announced new initiatives to increase its competitiveness through both growth and savings measures, and maintained its full year guidance.

via US Business

lunedì 29 settembre 2014

Edoardo Cignoli : RBI Leaves Lending Rate Steady

The Reserve Bank of India left its benchmark lending rate unchanged as it waited for more signs that inflation in Asia's third-largest economy is retreating.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Are Workplace Personality Tests Fair?

Personality tests in the hiring process have sparked scrutiny, with some companies scaling back and civil-rights groups claiming the tests could constitute workplace discrimination.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : From Africa to Ukraine, Deal Police Proliferate

These days, many big mergers don't just need to win antitrust approval from regulators in the U.S. and the European Union. A growing roster of nations including China, Brazil and even Ukraine also want a say.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : China Approves Sale of Apple's iPhone 6

Chinese regulators gave the final approval needed for Apple Inc. to sell its new iPhone 6 in China, according to official media on Tuesday.

via US Business

Australia Carries Out Antiterror Raids

Counterterrorism officers have carried out a number of raids in Melbourne amid warnings of possible militant attacks on home soil, although federal police said the operation wasn't a response to any direct threat to the public.

via World News

Yodeling to Techno? Purists Get Their Dirndls in a Knot

Some musicians in Switzerland have modernized yodeling in ways that traditionalists can't abide.

via World News

Iraqi Christians' Dilemma: Stay or Go?

As the U.S. gears up for deeper military involvement in the Middle East, many Chaldeans are in a wrenching debate: Either get as many people out of Iraq as possible, or stay and fight a militant ISIL.

via World News

Pakistan Seeks Improved Ties With New Afghan Leader

Foreign Minister Sartaj Aziz said Pakistan hopes to reverse a recent sharp deterioration in its relations with Kabul under former President Hamid Karzai as his successor, Ashraf Ghani, was sworn in on Monday.

via World News

Belgian Prosecutors Lay out Terror Charges Against Members of Group

Belgian prosecutors on Monday laid out terrorism charges against 46 members of Sharia4Belgium, an extremist Islamic group they allege sent dozens of young Muslims to wage jihad in Syria.

via World News

Japan's Economy Remains Fragile

Japan's economy continued to stagnate in August after a pullback induced by a tax increase earlier in the year, raising difficult questions for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who needs to make more tax decisions toward the end of the year.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Hong Kong Protests May Hurt Retailers

Clashes between thousands of pro-democracy protesters and police are set to deal a blow to Hong Kong's retailers during one of the city's busiest shopping periods.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Hyundai, Union in Tentative Wage Agreement

Hyundai's labor union leaders reached a tentative wage deal with the company's management, raising hopes the South Korean auto maker can put an end to strikes.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : GM CEO Looks to Shift Gears, Set Strategy Goals

General Motors CEO Mary Barra plans to unveil a multiyear financial strategy that would deliver the superior profits and market-leading vehicles that have always seemed to be in GM's future, never its present.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Unlawful Seizure of AIG Claimed at Trial

A $40 billion lawsuit against the U.S. government for its crisis-era bailout of American International Group got under way in federal court, with David Boies, a lawyer for the insurer's shareholders, accusing the government of unlawfully seizing a majority stake in the insurer.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Hundreds of Thousands Face Health Law Subsidy Deadline

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are at risk of losing or having to pay back health insurance subsidies from the Affordable Care Act and face a Tuesday deadline for reconciling the problem.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Planet Geek Meets Planet Jock

Gyms and fitness programs are catering to gamers and comic-lovers, using storylines from "Star Trek" in yoga class and teaching the art of swordplay.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : FCC Asks to See Contracts With Comcast

The FCC wants media companies to submit details of their programming agreements with Comcast, as it reviews the proposed $45 billion merger with Time Warner Cable. TV channel owners are wary of sharing trade secrets.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Supervalu Reports Second Hacking Incident

Supervalu on Monday reported that a second data breach into its payment card system occurred in late August or early September, just weeks after an initial one in early summer.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Microsoft to Unveil Next Version of Windows

Microsoft on Tuesday will give the first sneak peek at the next version of Windows, the company's most famous product and a linchpin of its software empire. Top priority for the new Windows: Repair relations with its crucial constituency of corporate technology buyers.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : FCC Considers Rules for Web Video

The FCC is considering regulations for companies that provide cable-like subscription video services via the Internet.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Instagram CEO, Co-Founder Joins Wal-Mart Board

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said Monday that Kevin Systrom, the 30-year-old chief executive of photo-sharing social networking service Instagram, has joined its board.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Santander Names New U.K. CEO

Santander has appointed Nathan Bostock as chief executive of its U.K. arm, replacing Ana Botin, who was recently promoted to executive chairman of the entire Spanish banking group.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : The Big Number: 17

The Big Number

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Boeing Shifting Defense Jobs Away From Washington

Boeing said it would move up to 1,400 jobs and change or eliminate hundreds of others as part of the consolidation of its defense operations away from its manufacturing base in Washington.

via US Business

Renewed Clashes in Eastern Ukraine

Clashes between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russia separatists in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk left at least 12 dead and dozens injured, officials said, in some of the worst fighting since a cease fire was agreed earlier this month.

via World News

White House Responds on Intelligence Gap

The White House moved Monday to contain a new wave of criticism over Syria and Iraq after President Barack Obama said that U.S. intelligence officials were at fault for underestimating the threat of the militant group Islamic State.

via World News

For Putin Ally, Sanctions Part of Conspiracy

As economic sanctions bite in Russia, Western officials struggle to assess whether they also are changing the mind-set of Kremlin insiders. For one Putin ally, the answer is a resounding no.

via World News

Pimco Is in a Race to Keep Investors After Bill Gross Exits

Executives at Pacific Investment Management Co. hit the phones Monday in a campaign to persuade clients to stick with the firm, even as Wall Street traders placed bets against its holdings, seeking to exploit the sudden departure of co-founder Bill Gross.

via Markets

Hong Kong Banks Hit by Protests

Hong Kong banks shut branches, suspended some services and activated contingency plans as pro-democracy protests gripped several parts of the city.

via Markets

Photos of the Day: Sept. 29

In photos selected Monday by Wall Street Journal editors, a boy celebrates at a festival in Katmandu, a man with Ebola symptoms in Liberia awaits treatment, and more.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Tesla's China Challenge: Getting Chargers Installed

Tesla has big ambitions for its electric cars in China, but first, it has to get its chargers accepted by skeptics.

via US Business

Gloom Gathers Over Eurozone Outlook

Businesses and consumers across the 18 countries that share the euro were more downbeat about their prospects in September than at any time since the end of 2013, likely reflecting disappointment with the pace of the eurozone's economic recovery and the conflict in Ukraine.

via World News

Hong Kong Protests Swell as Riot Police Withdraw

Pro-democracy rallies in Hong Kong grew as supporters joined protesters in three locations in the city, while riot police pulled back after failing to disperse crowds overnight with tear gas and pepper spray.

via World News

Ghani Sworn In as Afghan President

Former World Bank official Ashraf Ghani was sworn in as Afghanistan's new president, marking the first democratic transfer of power in the country's history.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Prada CEOs in Tax Investigation

Italian fashion house Prada said the company's chief executives, Miuccia Prada Bianchi and Patrizio Bertelli, are under investigation by Italian judicial authorities over tax filings.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Lufthansa Pilots Plan New Strike

Travellers flying to and from Europe could face more disruption Tuesday as pilots at Deutsche Lufthansa plan another walkout in a dispute with management over retirement benefits.

via US Business

domenica 28 settembre 2014

Edoardo Cignoli : Starboard Seeks Yahoo, AOL Tie-Up

Activist investor Starboard Value said it has taken a stake in Yahoo and pushed the Internet pioneer to cut costs and explore a possible combination with AOL.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Banks Cash In on Tax Trade

"Dividend arbitrage" helps big banks generate more than $1 billion a year by helping hedge funds reduce taxes, but it has drawn criticism from U.S. authorities.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Microsoft to Open Fifth Avenue Store

Microsoft Corp.'s first Manhattan flagship store is coming to Fifth Avenue.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Trinity Mirror Details Phone-Hacking Settlements

U.K. tabloid newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror has agreed to pay $204,729 to six individuals to settle claims it intercepted voice mails on their mobile phones, known as phone hacking.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Magazines to Count Readers in New Way

The magazine industry will start relying on a new monthly audience-measurement tool that tracks consumption of magazine content across a range of categories.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Lenovo Gains All Approvals for IBM Deal

Lenovo Group said it has gained all the necessary approvals for its US$2.1 billion acquisition of International Business Machines Corp.'s low-end computer server business.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Syngenta's Chief Operating Officer to Retire

Syngenta's chief operating officer John Atkin is retiring from the agribusiness giant at the end of this year and will be replaced by longtime executive Jon Parr.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Norsk Hydro CEO Declines Yara Job

The chief executive of Norwegian aluminum producer Norsk Hydro said he won't be taking the helm of Yara International after the chemical firm outlined plans to merge with U.S.-based CF Industries.

via US Business

Japan Volcano: Search for Survivors Resumes

The search for survivors on Mount Ontake in central Japan resumed Monday, with dozens feared dead after the volcano suddenly erupted at the weekend trapping climbers near its peak and spewing ash over a wide area.

via World News

Billions Fly Out the Door at Pimco

Pimco suffered roughly $10 billion of withdrawals following the Friday departure of co-founder Bill Gross, a sign of how quickly Mr. Gross's surprise move is reshaping the bond-investing landscape.

via Markets

Unsecured Loans Beset South Africa

South Africa is grappling with rising defaults on a mounting pile of unsecured personal loans, high-interest-rate debt not backed by collateral like a house or car.

via Markets

Consumers Get Their Groove Back

Ahead of the Tape: American consumers aren't back to feeling like their once-invincible selves. But they are strong enough that the odd stumble won't throw them off their stride.

via Markets

Why Peak-Oil Predictions Haven't Come True

More experts now believe technology will continue to unlock new sources and expand supplies for decades to come

via Markets

Too Much Water Doesn't Damp Germans' Thrifty Habits

The nation's love of conservation is criticized by some as overkill, but many Germans can't quit their water-saving habits.

via World News

Bloomberg Funds Road Safety in World Cities

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is expected to announce Monday that his philanthropic organization will spend $125 million during the next five years on programs to reduce traffic deaths and injuries in 10 cities in low- and middle-income countries.

via World News

Japan Inc. Goes Deeper Into Southeast Asia

Japanese companies are turning to frontier markets such as Laos and Cambodia in search of cheaper labor, stepping into what has until now been firmly in China's sphere of influence.

via World News

Fringe Parties Unleash a Political Earthquake

Europe File: Something extraordinary is going on in European politics. The populist rebellion that saw fringe parties secure almost 25% of the seats in the European Parliament in May elections appears to be accelerating, rather than abating as some had predicted.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Phone Database at Center of Debate

Law enforcement and national security officials are watching closely the fate of a national phone-number database that is a little-known linchpin to agencies looking to set up wiretaps.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Amelia, a Machine, Thinks Like You Do

Incubated for the past decade at an IT services firm called IPSoft, Amelia can solve problems if the answer appears in the data she gets.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Fight Erupts Over Protecting Rooftop Workers

Many building contractors have refused to comply with federal worker-protection rules that call for safety harnesses or nets for people up on roofs, citing the cost. Sometimes, state regulators are on their side.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : U.S. Says Modified Wheat Found in Montana

Genetically engineered wheat has surfaced at a second unauthorized location in the U.S., the Agriculture Department said Friday, raising new questions about agricultural companies' oversight of biotech crops.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : More Businesses on Guard Against Money Laundering

More than 2,000 anti-money-laundering professionals will gather in Las Vegas starting Monday for one of the top conferences on the topic. The range of businesses attending has grown.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Treasury Wine Estates Ends Takeover Talks

Treasury Wine Estates said takeover talks have broken off after two private equity suitors were unable to agree a deal acceptable to the company's board.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : China, Microsoft Agree on Probe

The head of the Chinese regulator investigating Microsoft Corp. for alleged antitrust violations told Chief Executive Satya Nadella his office will carry out a fair investigation and called on the company to cooperate.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Lynas Loss Deepens

Rare-earths miner Lynas Corp. reported a deeper annual loss and outlined plans to raise US$73 million.

via US Business

Photos: Europe Continues Ryder Cup Dominance

Europe's recent dominance in golf's Ryder Cup continued Sunday, as the team defeated the U.S. for the eighth time in the past 10 tournaments.

via World News

Iraqi Minorities Press for Militias

Iraqi minority groups are pressing to set up militias to defend themselves against extremist group Islamic State.

via World News

U.S. Troops Battling Ebola Get Off to Slow Start in Africa

The American military effort against history's deadliest Ebola outbreak is taking shape in West Africa, but concerns are mounting that the pace isn't fast enough to check a virus that is spreading at a terrifying clip.

via World News

U.S.-led Airstrikes Aid Syrian Kurds

The U.S. and its allies mounted new attacks on oil assets controlled by Islamic State and expanded their campaign to another front, aiding besieged Syrian Kurds battling the extremist group in a strategic city on the Turkish border, officials said.

via World News

World Leaders Face New Era of Crisis

World leaders who gathered at the United Nations General Assembly this past week described a new era of crisis that challenges global powers and international borders.

via World News

Modi Stirs Hope Among Indians in U.S.

Madison Square Garden thundered with applause as thousands rose to their feet and chanted the name of an unlikely celebrity: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

via World News

China's One-Two Punch Threatens to Hit Growth

The Outlook: China's sweeping effort to purge corrupt officials could weigh on its long-term growth, posing a risk to the global economy.

via World News

Airlines' Access to Afghan Airspace in Jeopardy

Major airlines may be forced to avoid flying to or over Afghanistan—a key transit route from Europe to Asia—if the country fails to conclude a vital air-traffic-control contract by mid-October, Afghan and international officials say.

via World News

Karzai's Afghan Legacy Rests on Fragile Unity

The president steps down Monday as a powerful head of state whose tendency during 13 years in office to sidestep formal institutions of government, many here say, is likely to long affect Afghan politics.

via World News

Ukraine Governor Warns of Cease-Fire's Risks

Ihor Kolomoisky, a powerful figure behind Ukraine's government in Kiev, warned new demarcation lines hammered out in the deal could lead to the creation an enduring de facto rebel state.

via World News

Despite Disrepair, Berlin Hesitant to Boost Military Budget

In a country still steeped in pacifism, revelations that much of Germany's military equipment is decrepit isn't spurring calls to increase defense spending.

via World News

Unsecured Loans Beset South Africa

South Africa is grappling with rising defaults on a mounting pile of unsecured personal loans, high-interest-rate debt not backed by collateral like a house or car.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : BlackBerry's Results Mixed

BlackBerry posted a smaller-than-expected loss, but revenue fell 42% from a year ago and was below analysts' expectations, underscoring the smartphone pioneer's continued challenges in turning around its business.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Digital Media Headline Advertising Week

Much of the chatter at this year's Advertising Week conference in New York will be on digital topics, from mobile marketing to data mining.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : 'Equalizer' Takes Top Spot at Box Office

Action film starring Denzel Washington takes in $35 million, beating out holdover 'The Maze Runner.'

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Chicago Flight Traffic Recovering

With federal air-traffic controllers from adjacent Midwest facilities taking over management of flights after a key Chicago center was knocked out of action Friday, airline traffic appeared to be recovering Sunday.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Alibaba Buys Stake in Chinese Hotel-Tech Company

Alibaba, in its first big investment since raising $25 billion in a record-breaking New York IPO, has bought 15% of Chinese hospitality technology provider Beijing Shiji for $458.66 million.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Tesla's China Challenge: Getting Chargers Installed

Tesla has big ambitions for its electric cars in China, but first, it has to get its chargers accepted by skeptics.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Law-Firm Merger Talks Enter Critical Stage

Merger negotiations between Boston law firm Bingham McCutchen and the larger Morgan, Lewis & Bockius are entering a critical phase.

via US Business

Photos of the Day: Sept. 28

In photos chosen Sunday by Wall Street Journal editors, a person is rescued after Mount Ontake erupts in Japan, police and protesters clash in Hong Kong, Jamie Donaldson celebrates winning the Ryder Cup, and more.

via World News

Obama Cites Intelligence Lapse on Islamic State

President Barack Obama said U.S. intelligence underestimated that the political chaos in Syria over the past several years would create an environment for extremist group Islamic State to thrive.

via World News

Bombings Put Chile on Edge

For a generation, Chile has been Latin America's most prosperous and stable country, but residents of this modern capital have been rattled by an increasingly violent bombing campaign that Thursday killed a 29-year-old man.

via World News

Moscow Moves to Restrict Foreign-Owned Media

Russia's parliament passed a bill to restrict foreign ownership of Russian media companies to 20%, a move that stands to further restrict the country's media landscape.

via World News

Dozens Feared Dead in Japan After Volcano Erupts

Japan has been hit by its first fatal volcanic eruption in 14 years, killing at least four climbers, with more than two dozen others unconscious and feared dead.

via World News

Catalonia Unveils Independence Referendum Plans

Catalonia's government outlined a €9 million plan to poll the wealthy region's 5.4 million voters in a nonbinding referendum on independence.

via World News

India Party Leader Jailed for Corruption

Jayaram Jayalalithaa, leader of one of India's biggest regional parties, was sentenced to four years in prison after a court found her guilty Saturday of corruption charges.

via World News

U.K. Leader Pressured Ahead of Party Conference

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron will seek to rally his Conservative party as it gathered for its last annual autumn conference before next year's general election.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : EU Preps Details of Tax Probes Relating to Apple, Fiat

EU regulators will publish as soon as Monday their preliminary view that tax deals granted to Apple and Fiat violated EU law, people familiar with the matter said.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Air France Pilots End Strike

Air France pilots have ended one of their longest-ever strikes, even as they failed to reach an agreement with management over the fate of the airline's budget unit Transavia.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Freeport Halts Activities at Indonesian Mine After Four Workers Die

Copper mining remained suspended Sunday in an eastern Indonesian province after a car collided with a mining truck the day before, leaving four workers dead.

via US Business

Clorox Questions Safety After Venezuelan Takeover

Clorox said that it has serious safety concerns as Venezuela's government authorized a takeover of its facilities just days after the cleaning-products maker announced it was closing operations in the country.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Chiquita, Fyffes Revise Merger

Banana suppliers Chiquita and Fyffes agreed terms of a new merger deal that will give Chiquita a greater share of the combined company, amid takeover interest from a rival bidder.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Roche Drug Extends Patients' Survival

A drug developed by Roche extended the lives of patients with an aggressive form of breast cancer by longer than ever before, the company said, as patents on a key oncology drug approach expiry.

via US Business

WHO Puts Ebola Death Toll Over 3,000

More than 3,000 people have died from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the World Health Organization said, as the deadly virus showed signs of spreading in the region.

via World News

Little Chance Seen in Overturning New Indonesia Election Law

Allies of Indonesia President-elect Joko Widodo are working to overturn a law that ends direct regional elections, but legal analysts said they stand little chance.

via World News

sabato 27 settembre 2014

Hong Kong Protesters' Standoff With Police Kicks Into Third Day

Pro-democracy protesters continued a standoff with police outside Hong Kong government headquarters on Sunday, where thousands converged to demand free elections in the city.

via World News

Pimco CEO Hodge Cites 'Overwhelming' Relief at Firm

Pacific Investment Management Co. CEO Douglas Hodge said there is an "overwhelming" sense of relief and excitement at the giant asset manager, following the abrupt departure of bond investor Bill Gross.

via Markets

Edoardo Cignoli : SoftBank in Talks to Acquire DreamWorks Animation

Japanese telecoms giant SoftBank Corp. is in talks to acquire DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc., according to people familiar with the matter.

via US Business

Germany Sees No Quick End to Ukraine Crisis

A solution to the Ukraine crisis is still far off, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned on Saturday, as his Russian counterpart accused the West of seeking to create chaos in the Kremlin's geographic sphere.

via World News

North Korea Says Nuclear Program Isn't 'Bargaining Chip'

North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Su Yong said a reduction in tensions on the Korean peninsula is important but warned his government doesn't see its nuclear program as a "bargaining chip."

via World News

George Clooney, Amal Alamuddin Wed in Venice

Bill Murray, Matt Damon and Bono were among the celebrities who turned out to witness long-time bachelor George Clooney marry human-right's lawyer Amal Alamuddin on Saturday in Venice.

via World News

Arrests Energize Hong Kong Protesters

Thousands of people converged on the headquarters of Hong Kong's government on Saturday after televised clashes between students and police energized protesters seeking democracy in the city.

via World News

Walter Isaacson: The Source of Innovation

The Saturday Essay: As computer pioneer Alan Turing is honored in the film "The Imitation Game," we see now that today's biggest innovations are coming from the combination of human inspiration and computer-processing power, writes Walter Isaacson.

via World News

Islamic State's Threat to Ancient Faiths

Essay: Some of the world's oldest religions are under attack by Islamic State, including the Yazidis, the Shabak and the Druse.

via World News

Libya Appeals for Help to Fight Terror

Libya's foreign minister warned Saturday the situation in his country could spiral further out of control without international sanctions against political spoilers and quick support to equip and rebuild the army.

via World News

U.S., Allies Expand Air Strikes

The U.S.-led military coalition continued airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, expanding the campaign for the first time to the border region between Syria and Turkey where Syrian Kurds are battling Islamic extremists.

via World News

Modi States Terms for Talks With Pakistan

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Saturday his government is seeking serious bilateral talks with Pakistan but can't engage in talks under "a shadow of terrorism."

via World News

France Charges 3 Suspected Jihadists Back From Syria

French prosecutors Saturday filed preliminary charges of terrorism against three suspected jihadists returning from Syria, as France struggles to handle the scores of people coming back from the war-torn region who may have been radicalized.

via World News

Top Liberia Doctor Goes Under Ebola Quarantine

Liberia's chief medical officer is placing herself under quarantine for 21 days after her office assistant died of Ebola.

via World News

Occupy Central Launches Hong Kong Protest Campaign

Organizers of Hong Kong's Occupy Central protest movement have moved forward a civil-disobedience campaign to demand "genuine" electoral choice in the city, after thousands of people converged on the headquarters of Hong Kong's government.

via World News

UK's Cameron Suffers Blow as Second Lawmaker Defects to UKIP

A second lawmaker from U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative party announced he was resigning and joining the U.K. Independence Party, a move which promises to make it harder for the prime minister to win a second term in the general elections in May.

via World News

Spain Readies for Beatification of Opus Dei Leader

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Madrid for the beatification of an early leader of the Roman Catholic organization Opus Dei.

via World News

Two Claims to Lead Muslim World Split Jihadists

The rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, just as the Taliban plot a comeback in Afghanistan, has ignited a shadowy feud within the jihadist universe: Which 'emir of the believers' is the real McCoy?

via World News

U.K. Sends Combat Jets to Iraq

British combat jets have flown from their base on Cyprus to Iraq following parliamentary approval for airstrikes against Islamic State militants, the U.K. Ministry of Defense said.

via World News

Cuomo Travels to Afghanistan

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo took a covert flight to Afghanistan Saturday as part of a three-day overseas trip sponsored by the U.S. military, according to his office and a person familiar with the matter.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Macau Junkets on Losing Streak

Casinos in Macau rely on businesses called junkets to bring in many of their high-roller customers from mainland China. But the junket system now is under pressure.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Exxon, Rosneft Find Oil at Arctic Well

Exxon Mobil and Russia's Rosneft have found major amounts of oil and natural gas at their first well in the Arctic, Rosneft said Saturday, offering a glimpse of the potential buried beneath the ice-studded waters north of Siberia.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Clorox Questions Safety After Venezuelan Takeover

Clorox said that it has serious safety concerns as Venezuela's government authorized a takeover of its facilities just days after the cleaning-products maker announced it was closing operations in the country.

via US Business

venerdì 26 settembre 2014

U.S. Group Files Lawsuit Against Modi

A day before Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's arrival in the U.S., a human rights group filed a lawsuit against him in connection with deadly religious riots in the state of Gujarat in 2002.

via World News

Airstrikes in Syria Roil Rebel Alliances

Thousands of civilians and rebels across Syria protested allied airstrikes against extremist militants that continued on Friday, underscoring the challenge the U.S.-led campaign faces in dealing with complex ties among rival rebel factions.

via World News

Iran Nuclear Talks Make Little Headway

A week of talks between Iran and six powers over Tehran's nuclear program made little headway in closing gaps on the most difficult issues, Western diplomats said.

via World News

South Sudan Hangs on Rebel Chief's Next Move

As fighting continues and peace talks sputter, Riek Machar's choice of direction will go a long way toward steering the conflict to a peaceful or bloody conclusion.

via World News

Ukraine's Gas Deal With Russia Reflects Shifting Pressures

Ukraine moved closer to resolving its long dispute with Russia over natural gas, as mounting economic pain at home—and pressure from Europe—increasingly force Kiev into compromising with Moscow.

via World News

Former Catalan Leader Denies Corruption Allegations

Longtime regional leader Jordi Pujol, who has admitted not declaring offshore funds to tax authorities, tells Catalan lawmakers he has 'not been a corrupt politician.'

via World News

Black Candidate's Rise in Brazil Reflects Shifting Views on Race

The emergence of a black candidate, Marina Silva, in Brazil's presidential race is highlighting a major shift in racial views in a country that was the biggest slave importer in the Americas and last to abolish the practice

via World News

Mexico's Army Detains Eight Soldiers It Says Were Involved in June Killings

Mexico's army has detained eight soldiers it says were involved in the June shooting deaths of 22 civilians in a remote town in the nation's southwest.

via World News

Laundering Case Hangs Over Commerzbank

The Manhattan U.S. attorney is investigating Commerzbank for alleged violations of money-laundering laws, potentially throwing a wrench in efforts by Germany's second-largest bank to settle separate allegations that it violated sanctions by doing business with Iran and Sudan.

via World News

Chile Investigating Thursday's Bombing

Chile officials said they were unsure who made a homemade bomb that exploded yesterday in central Santiago that killed a 29-year-old man but were vowing to track down those responsible.

via World News

Canadian, EU Leaders Tout Final Trade Deal

Canadian and European leaders touted the conclusion of negotiations for a free-trade pact even as mounting German opposition over a controversial clause clouds the future of a deal expected to serve as a template for a bigger agreement Brussels is negotiating with the U.S.

via World News

Venezuela's Bolívar Currency Hits Record Low on Black Market

The plummeting Venezuelan currency breached a new, symbolic low of 100 bolívares per dollar on the black market Friday.

via World News

India, China Cool Off Border Dispute

India said the recent standoff on the country's disputed border with China has been resolved, with both sides agreeing to pull back their security forces.

via World News

The Irish Post Office Has a Plan to Tell One Murphy From Another

In many parts of rural Ireland, towns don't use house numbers. Some addresses don't even carry street names, and Ireland also doesn't have postal codes. The government wants to end the confusion, and plans to roll out the country's first postal-code system next spring.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Air France Pilots Defend 'Gourmet' Contracts

Air France's plans to conquer European skies with a budget carrier have run into severe turbulence as its pilots insist on what they regard as an inalienable right: a generous contract.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : SK Telecom Agrees to Acquire Shopkick

South Korean wireless firm SK Telecom Co. has agreed to acquire shopping-loyalty app Shopkick Inc., according to two people familiar with the deal.

via US Business

Photos of the Day: Sept. 26

In photos chosen Friday by Wall Street Journal editors, Ryder Cup spectators dodge a wayward shot, Syrian Kurdish refugees try to return to fight Islamic State, and more.

via World News

'Bond King' Loses Showdown at Firm

The Pimco founder Bill Gross abdicated after co-workers threatened to quit over his criticism, then moved to rival Janus to run a tiny bond fund that was started in May.

via Markets

Edoardo Cignoli : Sierra Nevada Challenges NASA Contract Awards

Sierra Nevada Corp. said it filed a formal protest over NASA's choice of Boeing Co. and SpaceX to separately build, test and operate commercial space taxis, a decision that left the Nevada aerospace company out of the initiative.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Walgreen Shareholder Settlement Approved

Walgreen Co. said Friday that a court has preliminarily approved a settlement with a group of pension-fund shareholders who sued the company and its board last year.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : YPF Aims to Speed Up Non-Conventional Oil, Gas Development

YPF SA has shown the viability of the massive Vaca Muerta shale formation through a pilot project with Chevron, and has new projects in the works as the country seeks energy self-sufficiency, YPF Chief Executive Miguel Galuccio said.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Shell's Experience in Mexico Could Help It Make a Deal

Mexico's energy overhaul will soon open up the oil and gas beneath its part of the Gulf of Mexico, and few international companies are better positioned than Royal Dutch Shell.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Russian Steelmaker Plans IPO for North American Assets

Evraz, one of Russia's largest steelmakers, plans an initial public offering for its North American operations, valued up to $2.8 billion, to reduce debt and take advantage of the relatively strong U.S. steel market.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Marvel Settles Lawsuit With Family of Superhero Creator

Marvel Entertainment has settled a lawsuit bound for the Supreme Court that pitted the comic-book company against the family of the artist who helped create superheroes such as Spider-Man, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Orange Juice Searches for a Fresher Image

Orange juice's reputation as a health drink has suffered amid concerns about sugar, and the beverage has gotten crowded out of the beverage aisle by upstarts like coconut water and energy drinks. But producers aren't going down without a fight.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : TGI Fridays Existing Owning Restaurants

TGI Fridays plans to become the latest restaurant company to effectively exit the business of running restaurants by selling most of its 247 U.S. company-owned outlets .

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Alibaba Gives Bigger Incentive Fees to Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley

In its final doling out of fees to underwriters for their work on the offering, Alibaba rewarded Credit Suisse Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley the biggest share of a $50 million incentive pool.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Air Berlin Cancels Boeing Jet Orders

Air Berlin PLC cancelled an order for 33 Boeing Co. jetliners worth a total of up to $5 billion at list prices, a setback for the U.S. aerospace giant at a time when sales of its planes are booming.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : BNP Chairman Baudouin Prot Stepping Down

BNP Paribas Chairman Baudouin Prot is stepping down, the most senior executive to resign from the bank since it agreed to plead guilty to violating U.S. sanctions and paid nearly $9 billion in fines.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : CVS Settles Medicaid Reimbursement Charges

CVS Health Corp. agreed to pay $6 million to settle allegations its pharmacy benefit manager failed to reimburse Medicaid for some prescription drug costs, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

via US Business

As Asia Tensions Cool, Putin Turns Up the Heat

Tensions around China's territorial ambitions have eased, prompting a shift in U.S. attention to Russia. The switch underscores Xi's careful recalibrating, while Putin pursues open confrontation.

via World News

Palestinian Leader Calls for Status Talks at U.N.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the General Assembly Friday his government would introduce a Security Council resolution demanding an immediate resumption of negotiations toward a final status agreement with Israel on land and refugees.

via World News

Harper Vows Canada Will Do Its Part in Antiterrorist Fight

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said there is "no reluctance" in his government to join the fight against Islamic State, words that appeared aimed at preparing Canada for further involvement in the U.S.-led action against the extremist group.

via World News

French Muslims Protest Against Islamic State

Hundreds of French Muslims took to the streets of Paris and elsewhere in France on Friday to protest against Islamic State, days after the killing of a Frenchman by a self-proclaimed ally of the militant organization in Algeria.

via World News

IMF Expands Lending for Ebola-Hit Countries

The IMF's executive board approved a $130 million expansion of zero-interest loans for the three West African nations worst hit by the Ebola crisis.

via World News

Russia Moves to Restrict Foreign Ownership of Media

Russia's parliament passed a bill to restrict foreign ownership of Russian media companies to 20%, a move that stands to further restrict the country's media landscape.

via World News

U.S. Pulling Diplomats From Yemen

As the political and security situation in Yemen deteriorates, the U.S. State Department has begun removing some of its diplomats from U.S. facilities there and has advised Americans living there to leave the country.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Ford Recalling 850,000 Cars for Air Bags Fix

Ford is recalling about 850,000 cars, including two of its most popular models, because of an electrical problem that could stop the air bags from working in a crash.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Nike Profits Rise on Apparel Sales

Nike's sales are bulking up, as demand for its shoes and clothes grows even among people who have no intention of wearing them to a gym.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : T. Rowe Price Urges Allergan to Put Acquisitions to a Vote

Mutual fund giant T. Rowe Price Inc. is urging Allergan Inc. to give shareholders a vote on significant acquisitions as the Botox maker hunts for potential deals amid an effort to fend off a hostile takeover by Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Nestlé Reorganizes Business Units

Nestlé SA on Friday said it is creating a new business excellence division and expanding its European operations zone, as the Swiss food giant tries to overcome sluggish growth.

via US Business

Starboard Seeks Yahoo, AOL Tie-Up

Activist investor Starboard Value said it has taken a significant stake in Yahoo and pushed the Internet pioneer to explore a possible combination with AOL.

via Markets

Lehman Brothers Sues Raymond James to Recover Swap Funds

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. is suing Raymond James Financial Inc. to recover more than $2 million it says it is owed related to an old swap agreement.

via Markets

Alibaba Gives Bigger Incentive Fees to Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley

In its final doling out of fees to underwriters for their work on the offering, Alibaba rewarded Credit Suisse Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley the biggest share of a $50 million incentive pool.

via Markets

When Heirs Collide

Fights over estates can tear families apart. Here are guidelines for keeping the peace.

via Markets

Penalty For Not Having Health Coverage Adds Up

For a family of five, the ACA charge can top $12,000.

via Markets

Photos of the Day: Sept. 23

In photos picked Tuesday by Wall Street Journal editors, a farmer transports pumpkins in Germany, the USS Arleigh Burke fires its missiles in the Persian Gulf, and more.

via World News

U.K. Independence Party Makes Pitch for Blue-Collar Vote

The U.K. Independence Party laid out its strategy for the coming general election in a pitch with planned income-tax cuts.

via World News

More MH17 Victims Identified

More than two months after the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, forensic experts have identified the remains of 251 of the 298 people who were killed in the disaster.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Starboard Seeks Yahoo, AOL Tie-Up

Activist investor Starboard Value is pushing Yahoo to explore a possible combination with AOL and encouraged the Internet pioneer to slow its acquisition strategy.

via US Business

giovedì 25 settembre 2014

Edoardo Cignoli : Fabrinet Again Delays 10-K Report

Fabrinet, a contract manufacturer specializing in optical products, has again delayed its 10-K report as it reviews its accounting practices concerning consignment goods.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Berkowitz Affiliate Passes on $100 Million Loan to Sears

An affiliate of Bruce Berkowitz's hedge fund has passed on contributing up to $100 million to a short-term loan to help get Sears Holdings through its holiday season.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Coach Executive Chairman to Retire in November

Coach said that Lew Frankfort, the former chief executive credited with transforming the retailer from a leather goods company to an international brand, will retire in November. Jide Zeitlin, Coach's lead outside director, is expected to be the next chairman of the board

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Statoil Shelves Canadian Oil-Sands Project, Citing Costs and Access

Norwegian energy giant Statoil ASA on Thursday halted plans to develop an oil-sands project in Canada, citing high costs and shipping bottlenecks facing the Alberta project.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Diamond Foods Loss Narrows

Diamond Foods posted better-than-expected fiscal fourth-quarter results as sales in its nuts and snacks segments picked up strength.

via US Business

Photos of the Day: Sept. 25

In photos selected Thursday by Wall Street Journal editors, fencers compete in South Korea, sandbags protect a gas pump in Ukraine, Syrians try to flee to Turkey, and more.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Nike Earnings Rise on Higher Apparel Sales

Nike said its quarterly earnings rose 23%, helped by a lower tax rate and consumers spending more on footwear and apparel.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : More Women Nominated to Boards at Big U.S. Companies

Women made up nearly a third of new candidates nominated to the boards of big U.S. companies this year, as directors expanded their efforts to diversify their ranks.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Symantec Appoints Brown as CEO

Symantec Corp. appointed Michael A. Brown, the computer-security company's interim chief executive, to the post permanently, ending a six-month search.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Trump Eyes Possible Return to Atlantic City

Even as Donald Trump considers buying back two Atlantic City, N.J., casinos that bear his name, the billionaire wants his name removed from the languishing properties as soon as possible

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Micron Technology's Profit Falls by a Third

Micron Technology Inc.'s fiscal fourth-quarter profit fell 33%, reflecting a large year-earlier gain related to the 2013 purchase of Elpida Memory, while revenue rose 6% to $4.23 billion.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Tory Burch Hires Ralph Lauren Veteran as Co-CEO

Designer Tory Burch has hired Ralph Lauren veteran Roger Farah as co-CEO to help build the clothing and accessories brand into a global fashion empire.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Comcast, TWC Blast Merger Critics

Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable Inc. fired back at critics of their $45 billion proposed merger, defending the transaction against concerns it would make Comcast the gatekeeper of the online and pay TV world.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Will Silicon Valley Have Its NFL Moment?

A level of retrograde behavior and products, including sexist videogames, is proving remarkably resilient in the technology industry. When will tech leaders step up to challenge it?

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : FBI Concerned on Phone-Security Plans

The FBI director said he is concerned about moves by Apple and Google to market phones that can't be searched by law enforcement, saying agency officials have engaged in discussions with both companies.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Chrysler Recalls 350,000 Cars

Fiat Chrysler recalled about 350,000 vehicles around the world over a defective ignition switch that in some circumstances could cut power to air bags, steering and the engine.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : FAA Set to Approve Filmmaking Drones

The Federal Aviation Administration is expected to say it has authorized several filmmaking companies to use unmanned aircraft for their work, according to people familiar with the decision, a milestone for commercial drones in the U.S.

via US Business

Palestinian Rivals Reach Deal on Gaza

The two most powerful Palestinian factions struck a deal giving the Palestinian Authority a role in governing the Gaza Strip for the first time since Hamas seized control seven years ago.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Dollar's Rise Affects Fighter Jet's Buyers

The Pentagon is evaluating some overseas sales contracts for the F-35 fighter jet to account for the strengthening of the dollar, the program's military chief said Thursday.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Pemex Bets on Electricity

Mexico's national oil company Petróleos Mexicanos expects to go from being the nation's largest electricity consumer to its second-largest producer over the next several years, Chief Executive Emilio Lozoya said Thursday.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : EU Looks Poised to Approve Facebook's Purchase of WhatsApp

European Union regulators looks poised to approve Facebook's $19 billion purchase of mobile messaging service WhatsApp, a person familiar with the matter said, a step that would clear the way for a deal that had been fiercely opposed by Europe's powerful telecoms industry.

via US Business

More Than 40 Killed In China Terror Crackdown

A police crackdown killed more than 40 people in China's western Xinjiang region after a series of deadly weekend blasts, state media reported late Thursday.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Apple Rebuts Charges of Bending iPhones

Apple defended against reports that its largest iPhone bends easily in people's pockets, saying warping is "extremely rare" through normal use.

via US Business

Indian Leader Modi Visits U.S. to Upgrade Relations

The prime minister, elected earlier this year, seeks to revive strained ties between the world's two largest democracies.

via World News

Bomb Blast in Chile Kills One

A small bomb exploded in a residential area of the Chilean capital Santiago on Thursday, killing a man, authorities said, in the latest in a series of explosions that have shaken the Andean country.

via World News

Pope Francis Removes Bishop in Paraguay

Pope Francis has removed a senior bishop in Paraguay in the wake of criticism that he promoted a priest accused of child abuse and established seminaries that the Vatican considered not adequately managed, creating strife with other bishops in the Latin American country.

via World News

Ukraine President Says Worst of Conflict is Over

Ukraine's president said the worst of the conflict with Russia-backed rebels is over and renewed his pledges to build closer ties with Europe, revive a moribund economy and fight corruption.

via World News

U.K. Cabinet Backs Cameron on Airstrikes in Iraq

British Prime Minister David Cameron secured the backing of his cabinet ministers as he laid the ground work to secure parliamentary support for British participation in U.S.-led airstrikes in Iraq.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : EU Privacy Watchdogs Warn Google

An old front in Google Inc.'s policy battles in Europe reopened Thursday, amid broader pressure on the company on everything from competition law to Europe's rules on the "right to be forgotten."

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Australians' Gas Bills Soar Amid Export Boom

Australia's natural-gas bills are rising as the country prepares to ramp up exports of the fuel, in a cautionary example for the U.S., which is also planning to sell some of its gas overseas.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Apple Tarnished by iOS Glitch

Apple said it removed an update of its iOS mobile software after users reported major problems of the latest version of its operating system for iPhones and iPads.

via US Business

France Mulls Cigarette Packaging Law

France could become the world's second country to adopt a plain cigarette package as part of a draft bill aimed at lowering smoking rates.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : The Pop From 'Share a Coke'

Coca-Cola Co.'s carbonated soft-drink sales have risen more than 2% after the company's "Share a Coke" campaign this summer, in which bottles and cans were personalized with the names of individuals.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : In U.S., India's Modi to Pitch Economy

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his first U.S. visit as the nation's leader will be meeting with corporate executives from GM, IBM and Boeing to lobby for new investment in his country's sputtering economy.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Mexico Accelerates TV Network Tenders

Mexican telecommunications regulators have decided to speed up the bidding process for two digital television network concessions, which they now expect to wrap up in the first quarter of 2015.

via US Business

U.S. Stocks Fall Sharply; Bonds Rally

Stocks fell sharply and Treasurys rallied as investors sought out assets seen as safe amid stepped-up concerns over the pace of global economic growth.

via Markets

Dollar Rally Whacks Euro

The runaway dollar extended its rise, climbing to its highest level against the euro in almost two years.

via Markets

FDIC's Hoenig Keeps Wall Street on Edge

FDIC Vice Chairman Thomas Hoenig has emerged as one of the most influential detractors of big banks—the only top regulator in Washington who has directly called for their dismantling.

via Markets

Espirito Santo Investment Bank in Early-Stage Sale Talks

Bailed-out Portuguese financial group Banco Espirito Santo is in talks over a possible sale of its investment banking arm, according to two officials at the bank.

via Markets

Prudential to Manage Motorola Pensions

Prudential Financial will take over the pension responsibilities for 30,000 retirees at Motorola Solutions, in the latest big deal in which a corporation offloads to an insurer some of the risks of running an old-fashioned pension plan.

via Markets

Regulators Penalize U.S. Bancorp for Identity-Theft Products

Federal regulators fined U.S. Bancorp $9 million and required it return $48 million to customers over "illegal billing practices" related to the bank's identity-theft products.

via Markets

Goldman-Led Group Near Deal to Buy Messaging Startup

A group of financial firms led by Goldman Sachs may announce a deal to buy instant-messaging startup Perzo in a bid to take on Bloomberg's popular trader chat service.

via Markets

Tap to Pay? Read This First

What you should know about using the new Apple Pay and other mobile payment services.

via Markets

The Danger Now for Alibaba

The People's Money: Alibaba's success has helped and encouraged other e-commerce companies to flood the market and try to lure away China's millions of increasingly astute online shoppers.

via Markets

China's $10 Billion Trade-Finance Fraud

Chinese officials have found nearly $10 billion in fraudulent trade-financing deals this year in a probe into industry practices.

via Markets

World Falling Short in Response to Ebola, Obama Says

At a United Nations meeting President Barack Obama criticized the international response to the Ebola epidemic in West

via World News

300 Syrian Refugees Rescued From Sinking Vessel

Answering a distress call, a Cypriot cruise ship rescued 300 Syrian refugees from a sinking fishing boat in waters west of Cyprus.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Glaxo Names Hampton Chairman

GlaxoSmithKline named Philip Hampton as its next chairman as the pharmaceuticals giant struggles to right itself amid a series of probes over alleged overseas bribery.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Google, Microsoft Expose Brazil's Favelas

Brazil's favelas, once known mainly for crime and disorder, have come to represent economic opportunity and Internet users. That's attracting Google and Microsoft to create maps of these slums and their businesses.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : JDA Software to Pay $750,000 to Settle SEC Charges

JDA Software will pay $750,000 to settle charges that inadequate financial reporting controls led the company to misstate its revenue in public filings, the SEC said.

via US Business

mercoledì 24 settembre 2014

Edoardo Cignoli : Vantage Energy Postpones IPO

Oil and gas company Vantage Energy, which focuses on the Marcellus and Barnett shales, postponed its initial public offering, citing unfavorable equity-market conditions.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Starz Looking for Buyer

Starz has retained an investment banking firm to shop around the pay-television company.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Former Universal Pictures Chief Joins Startup Studio

Former Universal Pictures chief Adam Fogelson has landed at a new studio targeting a market that the major studios have all but abandoned: mid-budget movies.

via US Business

Deal With Saudis Paved Way for Syrian Airstrikes

Long negotiations with Saudi Arabia proved the linchpin in U.S. efforts to bring Arab states into their coalition against Islamic State.

via World News

U.S. Presses World to Act Against Extremism

The U.S. unleashed a barrage of diplomatic pressure on world leaders gathered in New York, imploring them to join an international coalition against Islamic extremism.

via World News

Legal Battle Resumes Over Kazakh Ex-Banker

A French court will hear arguments Thursday on whether to extradite Mukhtar Ablyazov, a once-powerful Kazakh banker turned fugitive who is sought on fraud charges by Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Tory Burch Hires Ralph Lauren Veteran as Co-CEO

Designer Tory Burch has hired Ralph Lauren veteran Roger Farah as co-CEO to help build the clothing and accessories brand into a global fashion empire.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Jury Rules Against Boston Scientific in Mirowski License Suit

Boston Scientific Corp. said that following a jury verdict against it, a Maryland court entered a judgment that the company breached its license with Mirowski Family Ventures LLC, and awarded $308 million in damages.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : BHP Billiton CEO Earns $8 Million Package in Fiscal 2014

BHP Billiton Chief Executive Andrew Mackenzie earned an $8 million package in his first year at the helm of the mining company.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Worthington Industries Profit Falls

Worthington Industries Inc. said its fiscal first-quarter earnings fell 19%, reflecting nonrecurring items in the year-ago quarter, but revenue rose 25%.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Comcast, TWC Blast Merger Critics

Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable Inc. fired back at critics of their $45 billion proposed merger, defending the transaction against concerns it would make Comcast the gatekeeper of the online and pay TV world.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : GM Looks to New Compact to Spur China Sales

General Motors is counting on the Chevrolet Cruze compact and other new offerings down the road to address a growing weakness in China: slowing sales growth for its bread-and-butter passenger cars.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : NutraSweet to Exit Aspartame Business

NutraSweet Co. said it plans to exit the aspartame manufacturing business to focus on more profitable lines of sugar substitutes, which will result in the closing of a plant by the end of the year.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : TNT Express Issues Profit Warning

Dutch parcel delivery firm TNT Express warned it no longer expects to meet its full-year guidance amid tough trading in Europe.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Revel Lawyers Adjourn Casino's Bankruptcy Auction

Revel's bankruptcy professionals running the auction dismissed bidders in advance of a Jewish holiday that begins at sundown. The auction will resume next Tuesday.

via US Business

Syrian Opposition Head Says Iran Shouldn't Be Part of Coalition

The leader of Syria's political opposition urged the U.S. to exclude Iran from a growing international coalition fighting Islamic State militants, arguing that Tehran has fueled the violence in Syria.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Saab Auto Owner Running Out of Road

The Chinese-backed company that bought Sweden's Saab sport-cars brand out of bankruptcy in 2012 plans to lay off up to 200 employees as it struggles to secure new long-term financing.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Wireless Plans Add New Twist to Net Neutrality Debate

While federal communications regulators have been writing rules of the road for how broadband providers can treat traffic on wired networks, wireless providers have been building private speedways.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Postal Service Seeks to Extend Grocery Deliveries

The U.S. Postal Service wants to deliver more groceries for Inc., and potentially others.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Apple Pulls Update to iOS Software

Apple said it removed an update of its iOS mobile software after users reported major problems of the latest version of its operating system for iPhones and iPads.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Shire to Settle False Marketing Claims

Shire has agreed to pay $56.5 million to settle allegations that it overstated the efficacy of several of its drugs, including the attention-deficit treatment Adderall XR, the Department of Justice said Wednesday.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Jimmy John's Reports Data Breach

Privately held sandwich chain Jimmy John's is the latest merchant to report a data breach, saying Wednesday that some customer credit and debit card data was apparently compromised.

via US Business

Brazil Recovery Seen Lagging Neighbors

While economists see better times ahead for nations including Chile, Peru and Mexico, forecasts for Brazil are grim, posing a challenge for a soon-to-be-elected government.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Vale Loses Iron-Ore Production Race, Stock Falls

Brazilian mining company Vale SA lost a race against its rivals to scale up production of iron ore while demand was hot, and now its shareholders are paying the price.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Glaxo to Name RBS's Hampton Chairman

GlaxoSmithKline is set to name Philip Hampton as its next chairman, according to people familiar with the matter—a move that while widely expected comes as the pharmaceuticals giant struggles to right itself amid a series of probes over alleged overseas bribery.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Air France Expansion in Jeopardy

Franco-Dutch airline Air France-KLM's plans to expand its budget carrier outside of France appeared in jeopardy after a government minister said the project had been shelved in a bid to end one of the most traffic-crippling strikes at the airline since 1998.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Toyota JV Cuts China Sales View

One of Toyota's China joint ventures slashed its sales target by 40,000 vehicles this year, highlighting the difficulties Japanese car makers are facing in the world's largest market for cars.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Pfizer Held Talks With Actavis

Pfizer explored a potential tax-lowering takeover of rival Actavis in recent weeks, but talks between the two pharmaceutical companies have ended, according to a person familiar with the matter.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : In Germany, Amazon Keeps Unions at Bay

German union Verdi is conducting a series of strikes against Amazon, but the online retailer has refused to bargain.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : DHL to Deliver Medicine via Drone

Deutsche Post DHL said it would use a drone to deliver medication to a German island in the North Sea, marking the first routine drone delivery to customers.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Uber Open to 'Debate' Over Ride-Sharing Rules

Uber Technologies is willing to consider discussing regulation of its ride-sharing services in Europe, said a senior executive, offering an olive branch amid heightened scrutiny and outright bans in several places on the continent.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Wal-Mart to Offer Checking Accounts

Wal-Mart plans to begin offering checking accounts by the end of next month that don't charge overdraft fees, a contrast to the banks currently housed within the retailer.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Trinity Mirror Admits Liability Over Phone Hacking

U.K. tabloid-newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror said it has either paid or is set to pay compensation to 10 people for intercepting voice mails on their mobile phones, known as phone hacking.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Airbus Sees $4.6 Trillion Market

With Airbus and rival Boeing agreeing that over 30,000 airliners will be sold in the next two decades, the European plane maker is considering raising production levels.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Japan, China Hold High-Level Maritime Talks

China and Japan resumed high-level talks on maritime issues this week, a move that could dampen a burning territorial dispute and improve ties enough to let the countries' leaders meet for the first time in years.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Saba Software to Settle SEC Charges

Saba Software agreed to pay $1.75 million in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission of accounting fraud allegations involving the falsification of employee timesheets to help the company hit its quarterly financial targets.

via US Business

Video Said to Show Beheading of French Hostage in Algeria

A self-proclaimed ally of the Islamic State group released a video Wednesday purportedly showing the beheading of a Frenchman abducted in Algeria.

via World News

International Criminal Court Opens Second Central African Republic Probe

The International Criminal Court on Wednesday opened a second investigation in the Central African Republic to find those responsible for escalating sectarian bloodshed in the country since 2012.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Websites Are Wary of Facebook Tracking

Fearing the growing clout of Facebook, some publishers and retailers are reprogramming their websites to send less data back to the social network about who visits their sites.

via US Business

U.K., Iranian Prime Ministers Meet

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron met with Iranian President Hasan Rouhani Wednesday morning in New York, the highest-level formal meeting between the two countries since Iran's 1979 revolution.

via World News

Japan, China Hold High-Level Maritime Talks

China and Japan resumed high-level talks on maritime issues this week, a move that could dampen a burning territorial dispute and improve ties enough to let the countries' leaders meet for the first time in years.

via World News

India Satellite Reaches Mars Orbit

India's space program took a giant technological leap Wednesday by putting a satellite into orbit around Mars, making it the only country so far to succeed on its first attempt and the only Asian nation to reach the red planet.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : New Tax Rules to Slow, Not Halt, Inversion Deals

The Obama administration's actions to tighten rules against corporate inversions should discourage such deals—at least temporarily—experts said. But many questioned how long any chilling effect would last.

via US Business

Russia Steps Up New Internet Law

Russia's parliament quickened its steps to tighten control over foreign Internet companies such as Google, Twitter and Facebook, raising concerns over state pressure on social networks that have become one of the country's few remaining spaces for dissent.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : Apple's New iPhone Pitch: Privacy

Along with new iPhones and a promised smartwatch, Apple Inc. is selling something else these days: privacy.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Amazon German Strike Expands

Workers at Inc. in Germany expanded their strikes, with employees at six logistics centers out of nine now participating on the third day of a walkout aimed at garnering support for a collective wage agreement.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Field Experience Helps Win Board Seats

More boards are heeding activist demands to bring on more members with industry experience—and get rid of some without it.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Brazil Files Charges Against Embraer

Brazilian authorities have filed a criminal action against eight Embraer SA employees accusing them of bribing officials in the Dominican Republic in return for a $92 million contract to provide the country's armed forces with attack planes.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : China's Tech Factories Turn to Student Labor

Student interns as young as 16 have become entrenched in China's labor force, especially among electronics makers in Chongqing. Some brands like H-P and Apple say they are working with their suppliers to make sure the student labor complies with local laws, but acknowledge that violations occur.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Eike Batista Faces New Charges in Brazil

Federal prosecutors have filed new criminal charges against Brazilian businessman Eike Batista and seven former executives of his troubled oil company face changes for the first time.

via US Business

martedì 23 settembre 2014

Edoardo Cignoli : Jimmy Choo Plans London Listing

Luxury shoe brand Jimmy Choo plans to list its shares on the London Stock Exchange in October, in an initial public offering that could value the company at more than $1 billion.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : New Smartphone Encryption Alarms Law Enforcement

Moves by Apple and Google to put some smartphone data out of the reach of police and the courts are raising alarms inside U.S. law-enforcement agencies.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Sirius Loses Oldies-Royalties Case

The founders of the '60s rock band the Turtles won a summary judgment against Sirius XM, in a suit alleging that the satellite-radio company violated California copyright law by playing the band's songs without permission.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Oracle Co-CEOs Get Options for 500,000 Shares

Oracle Corp. said Tuesday its newly appointed top executives, Safra Catz and Mark Hurd, will have the option to purchase 500,000 company shares apiece.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Starbucks to Take Full Ownership of Japan Operations

Starbucks unveiled plans to take full ownership of its Japanese operations, part of a two-step plan that would strengthen the coffee chain's control of its second-largest market.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Companies Offer $8 Billion California Energy Plan

Four energy companies are teaming up on an $8-billion effort to ship electric power produced in Wyoming all the way to Southern California, with the help of a novel energy-storage and generation system in Utah.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Shuttered Great Northern Paper to Liquidate in Bankruptcy

Maine's Great Northern Paper Co., once a giant of New England's pulp-and-paper industry, is liquidating what remains of its assets in bankruptcy.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Spanish Gambling Firm Codere Restructures Debt

Codere's top shareholders and creditors reached an agreement Tuesday on a €1.1 billion ($1.4 billion) debt restructuring that will see bondholders take control of the Spanish gambling company, ending a monthslong negotiation process.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Mobile-TV Ratings Not Ready for Prime Time

On Monday, Nielsen will launch a long-awaited mobile-TV viewing measurement that will show up in TV networks' ratings, but many broadcasters, cable networks and satellite companies have qualms about it.

via US Business

Arab States Remain Muted About Syria Strikes

The five Arab states who participated in Tuesday's early morning strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria remained muted about their roles in the attacks, underlining the political sensitivities of being seen to ally with the U.S. or Syrian regimes.

via World News

U.S. Lawmakers Laud Arab Role in Airstrikes

U.S. lawmakers praised the involvement of Arab allies in airstrikes targeting Syrian extremist groups, stressing the need for regional powers to play a significant role in combating Islamic State militants and other terrorist organizations.

via World News

Family of Briton Held by Islamic State Get Audio File of His Voice

The family of British hostage Alan Henning, an aid-convoy volunteer being held by the militant group Islamic State, said they have received an audio file of Mr. Henning pleading for his life.

via World News

Edoardo Cignoli : GM Hires Cybersecurity Chief

General Motors Co. said it has hired a cybersecurity chief as technological complexity continues to expand in the automotive sector.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Pentagon's Weapons Push Faces Skeptics

The Pentagon is proposing significant changes to how it develops and buys new weapons, but some in the industry say the biggest hurdle to success could lie in the agency's own staff.

via US Business

Edoardo Cignoli : Bombardier in Talks Over CSeries Operator

Bombardier Inc. is in advanced discussions with an undisclosed airline to be the first operator of its new CSeries, the jetliner's program chief said in an interview.

via US Business

In the Philippines, a Dream of Green City

On land that once belonged to the largest American military base outside the U.S., Arnel Casanova envisages a new type of city for the Philippines.

via Markets

SEC to Pay $30 Million to Whistleblower

The Securities and Exchange Commission said it expects to pay more than $30 million in an award under its whistleblower program, more than double the agency's previous high for a payout under the plan.

via Markets

Squatters Welcome Blackstone's Spanish Property Play

Blackstone has purchased 40,000 mortgages in the Barcelona area, but the company may find making money out of depressed Spanish real estate is a tough challenge.

via Markets

Stream of Lehman-Claim Payouts Is Drying Up

The smooth ride for hedge funds holding claims tied to Lehman Brothers Holding hit a speed bump last month, when a court ruling resulted in some of the first losses for the funds due to Lehman.

via Markets

Kenya Unity Frays After Mall Attack

One year ago, "We are one," was the hashtag trending on Twitter after the deadly attack on Nairobi's Westgate mall. Yet today, Kenya may be more divided than before.

via World News

Suspected Islamic Militants Raided in Germany

German police searched homes of seven suspected Islamic extremists for allegedly funneling vehicles to Islamic-State militants, in the latest action highlighting the extensive European support network for fighters in Syria and Iraq.

via World News

Karzai Takes Parting Shots at U.S.

'America pursued its own interests and did not want peace in Afghanistan,' said the outgoing leader, who has accused the U.S. of using the war as a pretext to stay in his country.

via World News